

Smart City

Smart cities aren’t just a dream of the future. Thanks to wildly innovative Internet of Things (IoT) solutions, many are already active and expanding rapidly.

Cities around the world are turning to technology and advanced networks to help them manage resource constraints. And with about 65% of US internet users feeling at least somewhat comfortable with the idea of living in a smart city, adoption of this technology will only continue to grow in the coming years. Do you work in the Tech industry? Get business insights on the latest innovations, market trends, and your competitors with data-driven research.

Smart Home

Build out a smart home is to buy lots of components—sensors, smart bulbs, security cameras, speakers, and whatnot—and connect them all to a hub that helps them communicate with each other and with you, via your smartphone.

A smart home refers to a residence equipped with devices and systems that can be controlled remotely and automated to enhance convenience, comfort, energy efficiency, and security. Connected home solutions typically involve the use of internet connectivity and smart devices to create a network within the home.

Here are some common features and components of smart homes: Home Automation: Smart homes enable the automation of various tasks and processes. This can include controlling lighting, heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems, as well as managing appliances, security systems, and entertainment devices. Voice Control: Many smart homes incorporate voice assistants like Amazon Alexa or Google Assistant, allowing residents to control various functions using voice commands.

Smart Lighting: Smart lighting systems allow homeowners to remotely control and automate their lighting fixtures. They can adjust the brightness, color, and schedule of lights using smartphone apps or voice commands. Some systems can also respond to motion sensors or adjust lighting based on natural light levels.

Home Security Systems: Connected security systems provide enhanced protection and monitoring for homes. They typically include features such as surveillance cameras, motion sensors, door/window sensors, and smart locks. Homeowners can receive real-time alerts and remotely monitor their homes’ security through smartphone apps.

Voice Assistants: Voice assistants like Amazon Alexa, Google Assistant, or Apple Siri act as central hubs for controlling various connected devices in a smart home. They enable voice commands to control lights, thermostats, entertainment systems, and more, offering a hands-free and convenient user experience.


Smart Thermostats: Smart thermostats enable homeowners to remotely control and program their heating and cooling systems. These devices can learn users’ preferences, adjust temperature settings based on occupancy, and provide energy usage reports, helping to optimize comfort and reduce energy costs.

Entertainment Systems: Connected entertainment systems integrate audio, video, and streaming services into a centralized hub. Homeowners can control their TVs, speakers, media players, and streaming services through smartphone apps or voice commands, creating a personalized and immersive entertainment experience.

Home Appliances: Connected home appliances such as refrigerators, washing machines, and ovens can be controlled and monitored remotely. They may offer features like remote temperature adjustment, energy usage monitoring, and the ability to receive alerts or notifications when tasks are completed.

Smart Home Security: In addition to traditional security systems, smart home security solutions include features like video doorbells, smart locks, and door/window sensors that can be monitored and controlled remotely. Homeowners can grant access to visitors, receive notifications, and monitor their home’s security status from anywhere.

Energy Management Systems: Connected energy management systems provide real-time data and insights into a home’s energy usage. They enable homeowners to track energy consumption, identify areas for improvement, and control devices to optimize energy efficiency and reduce utility costs.

Linkz Smart Hotels

We work with world best iot provider, Tuya Hotel provides PaaS-level smart hotel solutions. The open business model facilitates various customer cooperation demands.

Unified management of hotel equipment can clearly know equipment specifications, equipment area, equipment status, and edit equipment information. At the same time, it supports single control and group control of equipment in different areas such as floors, guest rooms, and public areas.The smart hotel rooms are equipped with voice
assistant speakers.
● The hotel adopts scene automation solutions to
enhance the guest experience. When the welcome
mode is enabled, the light automatically turns on
when guests enter the room. The power is
automatically cut if the room is unoccupied.
● By using energy consumption management, the hotel reduces operational costs.

Linkz smart Farm

How Internet of Things (IoT) is transforming the agriculture sector?

The impact of Internet of Things (IoT) and connected devices in this modern day world is undeniable. Today it has reached almost everywhere, from home, to health sector, smart cities, fitness, to industrial sector. Its presence can be seen in most industries, and the domain of agriculture is no different. In fact, IoT and connected devices can have an incredible impact on farming practices, so the farmers would no longer need relying on the horses and plows. After all, in the times of self-driving cars, and augmented and virtual reality, what is the point of depending on the age-old methods? Hence, the concept of IoT is a much-welcomed in Agriculture and Farming.

Smart Business.

Modern day Businesses prefer to manage the maintenance sphere of their operations from a centralized cloud based database using a CMMS

IoT devices allow companies to monitor every aspect of their business, and this opens the door to huge improvements in efficiency. Essentially, by analyzing different areas of operation through IoT technology, businesses can look for areas for optimization to improve processes.Internet Of Things(IoT) is an advanced technological feature whereby the devices in the facility can be totally connected via internet and interact smartly with each other. IoT integration offers a host of benefits infusing a radical change in style of management.

Smart Hospitals

The smart hospital  by combining various technologies like machine learning, AI, IoT, cloud, mobility, etc. smart hospitals are helping healthcare organizations exploit an unprecedented amount of data to offer insights and analysis on a mass scale, at a relatively low cost.

 A smart hospital is a healthcare facility that incorporates various connected devices and applications to enhance patient care, streamline operations, and improve overall efficiency. These technologies leverage the Internet of Things (IoT) to collect and exchange data, enabling healthcare providers to make more informed decisions and deliver personalized care.

Here are some examples of connected devices and applications commonly used in smart hospitals: Wearable Devices: These include smartwatches, fitness trackers, and other portable devices that collect real-time health data such as heart rate, sleep patterns, and physical activity. This data can be used to monitor patients remotely and detect any abnormalities or changes in their health conditions. Remote Monitoring Systems: Connected devices can transmit patient data to healthcare providers in real-time, allowing them to monitor patients’ vital signs, medication adherence, and overall health status from a remote location. This reduces the need for frequent hospital visits and enables early intervention when necessary.Electronic Health Records (EHR): EHR systems digitize patients’ medical records, making them easily accessible to healthcare professionals. These records can be updated in real-time, ensuring that doctors and nurses have access to the most up-to-date information, resulting in improved accuracy and better-informed decisions

Telemedicine Applications: Telemedicine platforms enable remote consultations between healthcare providers and patients. Through video calls or secure messaging, doctors can diagnose and treat patients, provide follow-up care, and offer medical advice without the need for in-person visits. This technology is particularly useful for patients in rural areas or those with limited mobility.Smart Beds and Monitoring Systems: These systems integrate sensors into hospital beds to continuously monitor patients’ vital signs, movements, and sleeping patterns. The collected data can help healthcare providers identify potential risks, such as pressure ulcers or falls, and provide proactive interventions to enhance patient safety and comfort.Asset Tracking and Inventory Management: IoT-enabled tracking systems can monitor the location and status of medical equipment, supplies, and medications within a hospital. This helps optimize inventory management, reduce waste, and ensure that critical resources are readily available when needed.Smart Lighting and Energy Management: Hospitals can utilize connected lighting systems that adjust brightness and color temperature based on patients’ needs, promoting a more comfortable environment. Energy management systems can also optimize energy consumption, reducing costs and minimizing the hospital’s environmental footprint.

Overall, a smart hospital leverages the power of connected devices and applications to improve patient outcomes, increase operational efficiency, and enhance the overall healthcare experience. By integrating these technologies, hospitals can provide more proactive and personalized care, ultimately leading to better patient satisfaction and health outcomes.


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As the recent pandemic that has gripped the world in the past several months makes strikingly clear, hospital resilience—its flexibility and adaptability in trying circumstances—matters as never before.
In a recent global panel discussion with 20 healthcare professionals on the topic of hospital resilience, among the ideas to emerge was that resilience means having the ability to anticipate and study the full scope of potential adverse events that can affect a health system, along with the infrastructure to resist, absorb or recover from each crisis.
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How to secure IoT devices at the workplace
​Several IoT devices are simple in their construction but are resource-constrained, which makes it difficult to implement strong security measures. Take humidity monitors for example. These sensors are not designed to handle advanced encryption.
IoT (Internet of Things) is a promising technology that has revolutionized various industries. From smart homes to smart cars and healthcare, IoT has shown a luminous potential to change the world. According to Built IO, the world will have 28.5 billion networked devices by the year 2022.
However, some unfortunate incidents have raised some serious concerns regarding IoT security. During most of these incidents, a common IoT device was used to infiltrate and attack the larger network. It is extremely important to understand the problems and challenges that can compromise an organization’s security. Here are some of the biggest challenges to IoT security and their solutions:
Top Benefits of Using IoT Technology in Banking
Technology has always been the main force behind changes in the banking sector, and now the Internet of Things is going to change the nature of banking itself. If we step back from such isolated technologies like blockchain or the smartphone and try to see the global picture, we easily notice that something is changing, and that’s the way of global digitalization in the financial sector.
The Internet of Things is a flourishing field for innovations and it’s primarily designed to make our life easier. Yet, there are spheres which are only discovering IoT benefits. The financial industry is one of them.
However, before we proceed, let’s see in the picture below where the IoT can be applied in general.
The advent of 4G and 5G internet of things (IoT)-based connectivity is spurring the online migration of smart city applications, helping generate a more than sevenfold increase in smart city artificial intelligence (AI) software revenue by 2025.
According to Omdia, the global smart city AI software market is set to soar to US$4.9 billion in 2025, up from $673.8 million in 2019.
Wireless data communications standards are enabling smart city applications to move into the online realm, where they can capitalize on the latest AI innovations. The growing capabilities of AI are enabling data and insights collected through IoT networks to be monitored, analysed and acted upon.
Keith Kirkpatrick, principal analyst for AI at Omdia, noted the smart city use cases are defined by the collection, management and usage of data.
“However, until recently, connecting disparate components and systems together to work in concert has been challenging due to the lack of connectivity solutions that are fast, cost-effective, low latency and ubiquitous in coverage. These challenges now are being overcome by leveraging advances in AI and connectivity,” he continued.
In today’s hyper-connected economy, wireless devices are powering digital transformation in cities across the globe. From improving traffic flow to enabling connected and efficient healthcare, wireless devices, mobile edge, or multiaccess edge computing and the Internet of Things (IoT), this technology is improving the lives of citizens and ushering in a new era of efficient, data-led decision-making.
But as cities get smart, they are also reckoning with the challenge of securing the mobile edge. At the farthest edges of their networks, where their smart devices live and their high-value applications operate, they are challenged to see beyond their own device limitations.
By 2025, there will be more than 41.6 billion connected devices, according to IDC, and industry experts predict 80% of these new devices will be wireless. These devices have already created arguably the largest attack surface in history, and wireless devices are often some of the least secured and least visible elements of a smart city environment. Such devices, together with mobile edges, are becoming high-value targets for hackers as “back doors” into critical infrastructure and things like state and city public health networks. In 2020, the share of IoT devices that were breached compared to all devices grew by more than 100%.
Modern day Businesses prefer to manage the maintenance sphere of their operations from a centralized cloud based database using a CMMS. Internet Of Things(IoT) is an advanced technological feature whereby the devices in the facility can be totally connected via internet and interact smartly with each other. IoT integration offers a host of benefits infusing a radical change in style of management.
1. Minimize operational costs
IoT equipped devices can help businesses to monitor equipments continuously and check for failures or deviations in alignments on the production line. It can improve electrical efficiency of the facility by cutting off the power supply to the unit whenever the usage is unnecessary.
2. Insights into dynamics
It is an advantage to continuously be aware of what’s going around in and around your industry. This may be data pertaining to road traffic in your area or the crowd density inside the facility at any given moment of time etc.
Every facility with a physical space for displaying the business ware & huge halls thronged by customers should be aware of the customer traffic to get a handle on their business. This applies to shopping malls, retail chain of stores, restaurants, library, sporting venue, bank etc which deal with huge flow of people in and out of the facility.
There are sophisticated CMMS which in conjunction with sensors for capturing visitor traffic & people count can let you aware of trends on visitor traffic such as peak hours, individual sections of the facilities that attract people etc. With this valuable data on People Counting data you can deploy your staff efficiently to improve conversion rates & profits. The count of humans who have entered into a restricted premises can be calculated with more than 95% accuracy. You can exploit the data on these dynamics to arrive at well informed decisions.
3. Robust Building Management System
Able to view energy reports from multiple substations. It can support for unlimited concurrent users. Reduces the cost of third party licenses. A well monitored automated HVAC system can go a long way in optimizing a building’s energy-efficiency, without compromising on the thermal comfort of the users. HVAC is an essential component of Building Management Systems (BMS) . Data loggers provide reliable evidence of system operations. They aid in identification of HVAC equipment operation & faults, if any.
4. Vehicle management system
IOT integration can automatically recognize number plates & extract the registration number of the vehicles. This is achieved by attaching an RFID tag containing a unique authentication code to the vehicle thus providing for secured transportation.
5. Welding Quality Management
By means of sensors the power consumed by welding machines can be monitored. Based on power consumption welding quality of the machine can be determined.
6. Proper Metering Infrastructure
Smart metering solution can address the challenges faced by businesses without a proper metering infrastructure. Invoices can be generated by tabulating the energy consumption by different devices leading to power savings for the facility and country as well.
7. Use More Assets
IoT presents an opportunity to track assets using sensors. Once the assets are connected to the Internet of Things, you’ll in fact begin learning the efficient usage of assets than ever before due to improved seamless connectivity. The real-time insights help you in locating assets easily & scheduling planned preventive maintenance tasks.
8. Remote Monitoring
Remote monitoring can prove to be a daunting task. IoT instills a feel of continuity and excellent coordination between the main office and what goes on out in the field. The cloud gives employees with mobile devices access to the information they need to carry out their job. The fitted sensors lets managers track the whereabouts of employee, their activities etc. You are also in a convenient position to anticipate additional manpower requirement.
9. Improved Productivity
Productivity is a major advantage offered by Internet of Things. IoT is capable of providing the training for employees that they need immediately to complete tasks, at hand.
10. Figure out Issues
There may be various underlying issues within your business which may escape your notice unless unless you are well-connected into real-time data. You can exploit data that comes in from mobile devices, sensors and other derivative reports. Collating all of this can be used to figure out potential problems enabling you to provide intuitive & outstanding customer service. This also aids in reviewing & changing current business models for betterment.
11. Low-Cost Technologies
It is a misconception to think that IoT technology is expensive. The technologies are becoming more and more affordable these days. You can choose one that complements your in-house capabilities. Sensor costs are falling, data storage is more affordable, and computing power is increasing. Many businesses have already framed plans to take advantage of the IoT. It’s time for your business to embrace it and achieve more success.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

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